Announcements January 10 - 14, 2022

We hope everyone enjoyed your holiday break!  Students return for the first day of the new grading period on Monday, January 10.
Report cards for the 2nd grading period will go home Thursday, January 13.
The Young Scholars after school program resumes its regular schedule on Monday, January 10.  However, there will be NO Young Scholars this Thursday, January 13.
For those who would like for your child to take their iPad home, the technology fee is $10 per semester.  If you paid $20 for the entire year already, your child will be able to bring their device home this week.  If you have not paid the fee, and would like for your child to have access to their iPad at home, please send the $10 fee for this semester.  There is no cost for students to use their iPad at school only.  Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Looking ahead, there will be no school on Monday, January 17 in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.