Announcements March 22 - 26, 2021

All students who are signed up for face-to-face learning will be attending school 5 days per week beginning tomorrow, Monday March 22.  Under this plan there is minimal social distancing in the regular classroom, but students are still expected to maintain 6 feet of social distancing in common areas such as the hallway and restrooms.  Masks should be worn covering the nose and mouth throughout the school day.  Students will continue to be encouraged to regularly wash their hands and use hand sanitizer.
Car riders may want to allow for a little more time in the drop-off line in the mornings due the increased number of students being screened each day.  
Bus pickup and drop-off times may be slightly different with the increased number of riders beginning this week.  Please allow for 5-10 minutes before or after your normal morning and afternoon bus times.  Be sure to send signed Bus Attestation forms with your child EVERY day they ride a bus.
All face-to-face students signed up to attend the Young Scholars after-school program will be able to attend Mondays-Thursdays from 3:15-6:15 daily.  There is no Young Scholars after-school program on Fridays.
PTO is asking for your support for its second Krispy Kreme Doughnut fundraiser for this year. A box of original glazed doughnuts is $6 per dozen. You can sell boxes of a dozen doughnuts or gift certificates to be redeemed for a box of doughnuts.
All money and order forms must be turned in no later than TOMORROW Monday, March 22. Doughnuts and gift certificates will be at the school for pickup this Thursday, March 25 from 8:00-1:00 and 2:30-3:00.  Pickup will be in the school parking lot area near the gym.  Parents must pick up order on Thursday; doughnut orders cannot be sent home with students.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the 2021-22 school year!

If your child turns five years old by August 31st, 2021, they are eligible to start kindergarten. 

To register, go to: