Announcements January 4 - 8, 2021

Happy New Year!  We hope each of you had an enjoyable and healthy holiday season.  We are excited to return to scheduled school days this week.
There will be no school for students on Monday, January 4 or Tuesday, January 5.
Students return to Remote Only instruction beginning Wednesday, January 6.  All students will continue to participate in Remote Only instruction until Friday, January 15.
For those who selected for your child to participate in face-to-face learning when it is available, Hybrid learning will begin Tuesday, January 19.  Students in Cohort A will attend on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Students in Cohort B will attend on Thursdays and Fridays.  Wednesday will be a remote learning day for all students.  Students who signed up for Remote Learning Only continue that program.
Teachers will reach out to parents beginning this week to make you aware of the Cohort (A or B) that your child will be assigned to.  We will make every effort to ensure that siblings are assigned to the same cohort.
Once we return to face-to-face learning on January 19, we will follow Plan B COVID-19 safety rules.  Students, staff, and visitors will continue to be required to wear cloth face coverings at all times while on campus.  Additionally, we will return to ensuring 6 feet of social distancing in all areas of the building including the classrooms and buses.  This was not possible in the classrooms under Plan A when students attended every day.  However, under the hybrid Plan B system with fewer students in each classroom, we are more able to ensure 6 feet of social distancing in the classrooms.
If you are interested in your child participating in the Young Scholars After School program, either as a remote student or when we return face to face, please contact your child's teacher or the main office to apply.  If your child is already enrolled in the Young Scholars program, we encourage them to participate every day during remote learning.  Our tutors are available to provide instructional support to students enrolled in the program between 3:15-6:15 Monday-Thursday.  This service is available every day of the program operation for students remotely.  Students will be able to physically attend on their Cohort days once Hybrid learning resumes on January 19.  Wednesdays will remain remote only after-school days until we return to Plan A (5 days) for the regular school day.