-PTO is holding its annual Krispy Kreme Doughnut sale fundraiser. We ask families to take orders and collect money from now until Tuesday, October 27. A box of a dozen doughnuts or gift certificates that can be redeemed for a dozen doughnuts at any Krispy Kreme store are $6 each. Order forms were sent home with your child and additional forms are available in the school office. You may call the school to request additional forms. Doughnut order pickup on Thursday, October 29 will be between 8am-1pm and 2:30-3pm. This will be done as a curbside pickup at the gym entrance area.
-There will be NO YOUNG SCHOLARS after school program this Tuesday, October 20.
-Remind your child to bring their iPad to school fully charged every day.
-Morning Bus Riders must have a Bus Attestation Form signed by their parent every morning that they ride a school bus.
-Please be sure to contact the school if ANYONE in your household is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new cough, new loss of taste or smell. We will share this information with our school nurse who will follow up with you to share how this information will impact your child's access to school.
-As we continue to work our way through the COVID pandemic, it is becoming more and more difficult to find substitutes for our school. We are encouraging and inviting you to consider being a substitute at Forest City - Dunbar. If you are interested, please visit the RCS homepage located at www.rcsnc.org and click on the substitute link under the Employment tab. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our front office.
-Monday, October 26 will be a district-wide professional development day for teachers. There will be no school for students on Monday, October 26.
-Fall Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, October 30. Face-to-face students will have their pictures made that morning from 8:30-11:30. Remote students will be able to come in to the gym to have their picture made between 11:30-1:30 that day.