Announcements Week of October 5 - 9, 2020

October 5 - 9 will be the last week of the Hybrid (Cohort A and B) schedule for face-to-face students.
Those students who were signed up for face-to-face learning will begin attending 5 days per week beginning next Monday, October 12.
Students who signed up to continue Remote Only learning will continue with that learning format at least until Christmas Break.  This plan cannot be changed at this point.
Some students in both the face-to-face model and Remote Only model MAY be assigned a different teacher than they have had so far this year.  IF they will have a different teacher, that teacher will contact you this week to introduce themselves and explain expectations for the change.
We will share expectations for face-to-face learning on videos and other announcements on Facebook and Class Dojo this week.  We want to make sure every child continuing to attend face-to-face or coming to face-to-face learning for the first time this school year knows how school will operate.  A few quick reminders of expectations now and after October 12 include:
-Face coverings must be worn by students, staff, and visitors throughout the day while on campus.
-Parent and visitor access to the building will continue to be limited.
-All students and visitors must have their temperatures checked and answer screening questions each day.  Only those who pass the screening will be allowed to enter the building.
-Bus riders must have a Bus Attestation Form signed by their parent/guardian every morning they ride a school bus.
-6 feet of social distancing will continue to be required in areas outside of classrooms.
-Parents should communicate with school staff anytime your child is exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID OR if your child or someone in the household is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a new cough, or loss of taste or smell.
-Our school continues to require students to wear uniforms.
Continue to follow the 3 W's:
Wear a face mask
Wash your hands at least 20 seconds frequently
Wait 6 feet from others
Reminder to parents who will bring their children physically to school for the first time beginning October 12, our regular school hours are 8:15-3:15 each day.  This is 15 minutes later than last school year.  Car riders may be dropped off no earlier than 7:40 each morning.