Announcements Week of September 14 - 18

We had a great first week of face-to-face learning with our Hybrid A and B students.  Students did an excellent job following social distancing guidelines and wearing their face masks.
Our Remote Only students continue to work hard and stay connected each day.  While we don't see you face-to-face as we do our hybrid learners, your work and connection with your teachers is equally as important.  Keep up the great work!
Bus riders need to be sure to bring a signed Bus Attestation form with them on the bus every morning that you ride.  This form answers the required 3 COVID-19 screening questions asked of all students, visitors, and staff each day they enter the building.  
Hybrid A and B students should have received four Attestation forms.  These are printed two to a page.  So, be sure to cut them in half and only send one form each day.
The Attestation form is your child's ticket on the bus in the morning.  Students will give this form to their bus driver when they step on the bus.  This form is in place of having the students screened on the bus at their stop.  Parents will have to be contacted each time a child arrives to school without a signed Bus Attestation form.  Repeated failure to have a signed Bus Attestation form may result in suspension from riding a bus.
Copies will be sent home with students every other week.  Forms are available at the school if you wish to pick some up.  You can see a sample linked to this message.